First Largest and deepest ocean of world is?
Answer= Pacific Ocean Second
largest ocean of the world is?
Answer= Atlantic.
Third largest ocean in the world is?
Answer= Indian Ocean
The smallest ocean of the world is?
Answer= Arctic ocean.
SEA Of the world
Largest sea in the world is?
Answer= South China Sea
Second largest sea of the world is?
Answer= Caribbean Sea,
Third largest Sea of the world is?
Answer= Mediterranean sea
Smallest sea of the world is?
Answer= Baltic sea.
Sea of Japan is famous for?
Fishing area.
What is the world's warmest sea?
The Red Sea
Aegean Sea is located in?
Answer= Atlantic Ocean.
Which Sea is without a coastline?
Which of the following cause ocean
Answer= Permanent winds
Atlantic Ocean is called the?
Answer= Herring Pond
Total seas are?
Answer= 12.
Bermuda Triange is located in?
Answer= Atlantic Ocean.
Diego Garcia is in?
Answer= Indian Ocean.
The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is
Answer= Sunda Trench.
Caspian Sea is located in
Answer= Iraq-Azerbaijan, Turkmensitan, Kazakhstan
& Russia.
What is the largest salt water lake in
the world?
Answer= Caspian Sea
Caspian Sea water is shared by which
Answer= Iran, Russia & Azerbaijan
Which sea is sometimes called the Euxine Sea
Answer= Black Sea
What sea is directly north of Poland
Answer= Baltic sea
Cyprus is an island in the?
Answer= Mediterranean Sea.
The waters of Caspian Sea are shared by
Answer= Russia, Iran & Azerbaijan.
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