Before Partition
(Part 2)
- Bengal divided in East Bengal (Muslim Bengal) & West Bengal (Hindu Bengal) in July 1905 by Lord Curzon. Capital of Muslim Bengal was Dacca and that of Hindu Bengal was Calcutta.
- The partition of Bengal was annulled on 12th Dec: 1911 by King George-V and Queen Marry.
- The president of Simla Deputation (1st Oct: 1906) was Agha Khan III and secretary was Mohsanul Mulk.
- Muslim League founded on 30 Dec: 1906 at Decca.
- ML was formed in the annual session of Muslim Educational Conference in Decca with the proposal of Nawab Salimullah.
- The HQ of ML was established at Lucknnow.
- Initial membership of ML was 400.
- Mohd: Ali Johr wrote the constitution of ML: The Green Book.
- Inagural session of ML was presided by Nawab Samiullah.
- Inagural address was delivered by Nawab Vikarul Mulk.
- First session of ML was held on 30th Dec: 1907 at Karachi.
- First session of ML held in Karachi 31st Dec: 1907 was presided over by Adamjee Pri Bhai of Bombay.
- The original name of Mohsanu-ul-Mulk was Mehdi Ali Khan.
- Original name of Waqaul Mulk was Molvi Mohd: Shah.
- 1st President of ML was Agha Khan III. (upto 1913).
- Sir Agha Khan remained permanent president of ML till 1913.
- First VC of Aligarh University was Agha Khan 3.
- Agha Khan III was born in Karachi and was buried in Egypt.
- Real name of Agha Khan III was Sultan Mohd: Shah.
- First secretary general of ML was Hussain Bilgrami.
- 2nd President of ML was Sir Ali Mohd: Khan when Agha Khan III resigned in 1913.
- Sir Mohammad Shafik was the second general secretary of Muslim League.
- Syyed Amir Ali established ML London in 1908.
- Quaid attended 1st time Muslim League session in 1912. (chk)
- Quaid resigned from Imerial Legislative Council as a protest against Rowlatt Act in 1919.
- Quaid became ML president 1919-1924 (chk it).
- Quaid joined ML 10 Oct 1913.
- Syed Amir Ali resigned from ML in 1913.
- Quaid resigned from Congress and Home Rule League in Dec: 1920 (Nagpur Session) became ML president in 1916. (chk it)
- Quaid held joint membership of ML & Congress for 7 years i.e from 1913-1920
- He presided the ML Lucknow session of 1916 and Delhi session of 1924, became permanent president of ML in 1934.
- Lord Minto came to India as viceroy in 1915.
- Minto Morley reforms 1909: introduced separate electorates.
- Minto Morley reforms: Minto was Indian Viceroy and Morley was state secretary for India.
- Montague Chemsford Reforms came in 1919.
- ML demanded principle of self rule for India in 1913.
- Kanpur mosque incident took place in 1913.
- Jillanwalla Bagh is in Amritsar. It was place where a number of Indian killed by the English on 13th April, 1919.
- General Dair was the army commander of Amritsar during Jullianwala bagh slaughter (1919).
- Lucknow Pact came in Nov: 1916.
- Home Rule Movement was founded by Mrs. Annie Basent an English Parsi lady in 1916 after Lucknew pact.
- Rowalt Act was passed in 1919.
- Khilafat Movement started in 1919 and ended in March 1921.
- All Indai Khilafat committee was founded in Bombay on 5th Juley 1919 and Seth Chuttani became its first president.
- First meeting of All Indai Khilafat Movement was held on 23rd Nov:
- 1919 and was presided over by Molvi Fazal Haq of Bengl. Its headquarter was at Bombay.
- Nehru Report was produced by Motilal Nehru in 1928.
- Shoaib Qureshi was one muslim member who took part in writing the Nehru Report.
- 14 Points came in March 1929 from Delhi.
- Simon Commission visited India in 1928 and consisted of 7 members.
- British cabinet minister Cripps came to India in March 1942.
- Civil Disobedience Movement started by Gandhi on 12th March, 1930.
- Simon Commission submitted its report in 1930.
- Ist Session of Round Table Conference from 12Nov1930 to 19Jan1931. (Mohd: Ali Johar participated in it, Congress was absent)
- Congress absent in 1st RTC, leaders were in jail due to civil disobedience.
- Leader in the 1st RTC was Agha Khan III
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